Russia’s War


Russia’s War is a new and innovative game about the Barbarossa operation in 1941. The hexagonal figure represents 25 km. The units are mainly divisions.
Volume 1 will cover the areas of operations of the North and Center Army Group from June 1941 to February 1942.
This game will better simulate the numerous Soviet counter-offensives that are often overlooked by other titles at this scale. Moreover, an innovative game system will allow to better feel the progressive attrition suffered by the Axis and the necessary pause of the German mechanized units, also uncommonly simulated before.
A simplified air and naval system, coupled with the use of off-map game support units at each army level (or front for the Soviets), will make the game a very playable ” beast.”

From 14 years old.

Click to preorder now at reduced price (€69 vs €99 final price)

Russia’s war


Russia’s War is a new and innovative game about the Barbarossa operation in 1941. The hexagonal figure represents 25 km. The units are mainly divisions.
Volume 1 will cover the areas of operations of the North and Center Army Group from June 1941 to February 1942.
This game will better simulate the numerous Soviet counter-offensives that are often overlooked by other titles at this scale. Moreover, an innovative game system will allow to better feel the progressive attrition suffered by the Axis and the necessary pause of the German mechanized units, also uncommonly simulated before.
A simplified air and naval system, coupled with the use of off-map game support units at each army level (or front for the Soviets), will make the game a very playable ” beast”.

Click to preorder now at reduced price (€69 vs €99 final price)