SHOP ALL2020-09-12T16:34:41+01:00
  • Verdun 1916, Steel Inferno, is a card driven, area based, simple wargame about the year long fighting around Verdun. The game is based on monthly turns and allow for a tense, action driven contest which includes all the events of 1916 (like the Somme offensive) and their interaction with the Verdun battlefield. Players will face tough choices, continuing to reinforce Verdun or play cards to get victory points elsewhere. Both side get the initiative as the French counter attack at the end of 1916 is also simulated. Two scenarios playable in a short session and one campaign game playable in an afternoon. 
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    Original price was: 89,00 €.Current price is: 69,00 €.
    VENDEE 93 /  ENGLISH VERSION PREORDER Vendée 93, a card driven two player wargame, takes you back to this particularly epic period in the French history, which pitted the young French Republic against the Royalist insurgents from March to October 1793.   ON PREORDER NOW FOR 69€ (vs 89€ full price) WITH SPECIAL DISCOUNT. DELIVERY PLANNED ON FEBRUARY-MARCH 2025
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    Original price was: 79,00 €.Current price is: 49,00 €.
    Verdun 1916, Steel Inferno, is a card driven, area based, simple wargame about the year long fighting around Verdun. The game is based on monthly turns and allow for a tense, action driven contest which includes all the events of 1916 (like the Somme offensive) and their interaction with the Verdun battlefield. Players will face tough choices, continuing to reinforce Verdun or play cards to get victory points elsewhere. Both side get the initiative as the French counter attack at the end of 1916 is also simulated. Two scenarios playable in a short session and one campaign game playable in an afternoon. / AVAILABLE
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    Original price was: 99,00 €.Current price is: 79,00 €.
    Russia's War Pre-order  ENGLISH VERSION Russia's War is a new and innovative game on operation Barbarossa in 1941. The game scale is 25km per hexagon and mostly division level for units. Volume 1 will cover Army group North and Center areas of operations from June 1941 to February 1942. This game will better simulate the numerous soviet counter offensives which are often forgotten by other titles at this scale.  For 14 and up. / TARGET RELEASE DATE  2025 The game will be sent at the same time with the Kickstarter orders.
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    Two player's playmats for Verdun steel inferno   Playmats : approx 40x25cm, one for each nation. Includes specific infos for each side.     AVAILABLE
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    Deluxe Neoprene map and two player's playmats for Verdun steel inferno Map : approx  120x60cm,Extended size and perfectly flat anf soft playing area Playmats : approx 40x25cm, one for each nation. Includes specific infos for each side.      
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    Wars of Religion, is a card driven game on the XVI century War of Religion in France.

    The game can be played by two to three players ( three’s the best ). It simulates the clashes of the Religion Wars between the massacre of Wassy in 1562 and the signing of the Edit of Nantes in 1598. Eight successive wars were fought between the last Valois kings ( Charles IX and Henri III ) and the Huguenots, supporters of the new reformed religion and the Ligueurs, who held an uncompromising Catholicism backed by Spain. Each of the three players will take control of the destinies of a faction and try to win at the end of the six rounds of the game. Not only will it have to impose itself militarily, but it will also have to win the mind through active propaganda.

  • Trench War, is a simple two player card game about the Great War. Playable in less than 45 min, each player use a deck of cards including soldiers, tanks, planes, support weapons to take the ennemy’s trenches. Using a very simple gameplay, both player will enjoy a tense game with attacks and counter attacks. For 12 and up. 
  • Napoléon’s Conquests is a multi-player game card driven game about the rise and fall of the French Empire. Using a simple worker placement system, it recreates the various aspects of the Napoleonic era (military, diplomacy, society etc..). It is a very simple game in terms of military operations but an exciting journey through this epic period thanks to the richness of the events portrayed and the multi-player focus of the game. English Version Napoléon’s Conquests has been nominated for best Napoleonic game of 2023 at the Charles S Roberts awards!!!
  • Verdun 1916, Steel Inferno, is a card driven, area based, simple wargame about the year long fighting around Verdun. The game is based on monthly turns and allow for a tense, action driven contest which includes all the events of 1916 (like the Somme offensive) and their interaction with the Verdun battlefield. Players will face tough choices, continuing to reinforce Verdun or play cards to get victory points elsewhere. Both side get the initiative as the French counter attack at the end of 1916 is also simulated. Two scenarios playable in a short session and one campaign game playable in an afternoon. 


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